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Energy-intensive enterprises: mechanism for accessing benefits changes

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The reform of D. L. 131/2023 redefines the mechanism of facilities granted to energy-intensive enterprises, which takes effect on January 1, 2024.
There are many new features in this regard, for example: the Cassa per i Servizi Energetici e Ambientali (CSEA) arranges the electrivori portal (effectively creating a new definition for energy-intensive enterprises); enterprises included in the CSEA’s 2013 and 2014 lists are excluded from the new relief mechanism; and as of 2024, the relief brackets disappear in favor of a more precise definition.

Enterprises that record large electricity consumption can take advantage of this opportunity to recover significant amounts of money and optimally manage their available resources.
Let’s get to know together how to access the facility, the requirements and the obligations of enterprises.

From energy users to electrivors with reform taking effect Jan. 1, 2024

Decree-Law no.
131 of September 29, 2023 has been updated and coordinated with conversion law no.
169 of Nov. 27, 2023; a reform that takes effect on Jan. 1, 2024, which came about in order to adapt national legislation to the provisions contained in European Commission Communication 2022/C 80/01 of Feb. 18, 2022.

Enterprises that demonstrate that they have incurred electricity consumption of more than 1 GWh in the year preceding the submission of the application are eligible for state-recognized facilities if they meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • operate in one of the sectors defined as high risk of relocation in Annex 1 of European Commission Communication 2022/C 80/01;
  • operate in one of the sectors at risk of relocation listed in Annex 1 of European Commission Communication 2022/C 80/01;
  • do not operate in the sectors considered high-risk or at risk of relocation, but in the years 2022 and 2023 have benefited from the facilities recognized by the Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development December 21, 2017, on “Provisions on reductions in tariffs to cover general system charges for energy-hungry companies” – companies included in the energy-hungry lists prepared by CSEA;
  • are considered eligible according to paragraph 406 of European Commission Notice 2022/C 80/01.

Companies that, although they meet the above requirements, are in a state of difficulty are excluded.
In addition, companies that under the previous arrangement (Ministerial Decree of Dec. 21, 2017) were covered because they were included in the CSEA’s 2013 and 2014 lists are no longer considered energy-intensive enterprises.

The new facilitation mechanism for energy-intensive enterprises is more accessible, as it does not include requirements on the impact of energy costs on the enterprise’s GVA (Gross Value Added).

Annex 1 of the European Commission Communication identifies high-risk and relocation-prone sectors along with the corresponding NACE code.
The latter represents the abbreviation for “statistical classification of economic activities in the European Communities,” as a system for classifying and defining economic-industrial activities in the EU states.  

Energy-intensive enterprises/electricians: facilities 2024

Enterprises that fall within the lists defined by the CSEA-and thus admitted as energy-intensive/electronic enterprises-are granted benefits related to contributions to cover general charges pertaining to the electricity system in support of renewable sources (Asos Tariff/Component).
The level of contribution varies according to the type of enterprise, and a significant reduction is recognized for those who resort to the use of energy sources that do not emit carbon. Specifically:
  1. For enterprises at high risk of relocation, the contribution is 15 percent of the system overhead component or 0.5 percent of the enterprise’s GVA;
  2. For firms at risk of relocation, the contribution is 25% of the general system charges component or 1% of GVA.
    Entities that cover at least 50% of their energy consumption through non-carbon emitting energy sources, with at least 10% secured through a supply contract or at least 5% secured by energy produced on site or in its vicinity, the contribution is reduced and is 15% of the system charges component or 0.5% of GVA;
  3. For enterprises already on the energy-intensive lists, the contribution to be paid varies over the years:
  • from 2024 to 2026, the contribution is 35% of the general system charges component or 1.5% of GVA;
  • in 2027, the contribution is 55 percent of the system charge component or 2.5 percent of GVA;
  • in 2028, the contribution is 80% of the system charges component or 3.5 of the GVA.
    Again, a reduction is given to those who use non-carbon emitting energy sources to cover at least 50% of their energy needs, with at least 10% secured through a supply contract or at least 5% secured by energy produced on site or in its vicinity.
    In this case, the reduction provided for the years included from 2024 to 2028 is 35 percent or 1.5 percent of GVA.

For each year-and in each case-contributions cannot be less than the product of 0.5 percent €/MWh and the electricity taken from the public grid.

Green conditionality: the obligations of enterprises  

Enterprises that qualify for the benefits recognized for high electricity consumption are required to meet specific obligations.
First among them is the performance of energy diagnosis, to which is added the implementation of one of the following measures:
  • implement the recommendations set forth in the energy audit report, if the payback time of the investments required for this purpose does not exceed three years and the cost thereof does not exceed the amount of the facility received;
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of electricity consumption to cover at least 30 percent of its needs from sources that do not emit carbon;
  • invest a share of at least 50 percent of the facility amount in projects that result in substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in order to determine a level of reductions below the benchmark used for free allocation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme.
A section called “Green Conditionality” appears in the declaration of consumption useful for the company’s inclusion in the 2024 energy users/electricians lists, effectively representing the part in which the company declares that it is adopting measures for the efficient use of energy and that it has an energy diagnosis in accordance with Annex 2 of Decree-Law 102/2014 communicated to ENEA.

What to do to access the facility: the electrivori portal

The CSEA has arranged the electrivori Portal (for energy-intensive enterprises) intended to receive declarations from enterprises interested in inclusion in the energy-intensive/electrivori lists.
The Portal will be opened for the supplementary session according to the modalities and timing to be defined by ARERA, probably from February 2024.

Who monitors and what defaulting companies risk

Supervising compliance with the above obligations are various bodies, in particular ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), which carries out checks to ascertain compliance with the energy diagnosis obligation, including in cases where the company concerned adopts an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001.
In addition, working with GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici) and ISPRA (Istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale), it verifies the adoption of measures related to the energy diagnosis mentioned above.
It is the responsibility of the GSE to verify that the requirements for covering its energy needs with carbon-free sources are met,  and to report – by June 30 of each year – the results of all checks carried out to the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE) and ARERA.
Failing enterprises must repay the full amount of facilities received and will only be eligible for further facilities when the “debt” is fully settled.

ARERA, CSEA, MASE: the duties of the agencies.

ARERA is the body in charge of defining the modalities and timing by which enterprises interested in the facilities apply.
In addition, it is up to the Agency to define the modalities by which the CSEA verifies the possession of the requirements related to the operating sector of the enterprises – thus the ATECO code – and to constitute the list of energy-intensive enterprises, taking care of its updating over the years.
ARERA also defines the procedures for calculating the GVA and the consumption achieved by the enterprise, the procedures for recognizing the facilities and the procedures for covering the control activities carried out by the entities from the Asos component.
After consultation with ARERA, the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security defines the terms and criteria for meeting the requirements for consumption, fulfillment of obligations and coverage of energy needs with carbon-free sources.
In addition, it is the responsibility of the MASE to establish the terms and procedures for the submission by interested companies of the proposal for admission of the sector or sub-sector in accordance with paragraph 406 of European Commission Communication 2022/C 80/01.
The CSEA will have to send an annual report to the MASE, the Chambers and ARERA on the progress of the application of the facilitation scheme and take care of the fulfillments related to the national register of state aid under Art.
52, paragraph 6 of Law 234/2012.
Finally, it is the responsibility of the MASE to identify the independent expert in charge of the ex-post evaluation of the facilitation scheme.

Energy consulting: our support, real and effective

The facilitation mechanism for energy-intensive enterprises changes shape by expanding the possibility of access to more enterprises.
The way in which the facility is recognized changes, green conditionality appears, and the reference annexes for identifying eligible enterprises change.
Together with our consultants, you can find out if your company meets the requirements under the new mechanism and obtain the benefits recognized by the state, avoiding all the relevant impediments, such as exclusion from the lists for incorrect declarations or claims for refund of the benefit recognized for failure to meet the required obligations.


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