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Energy diagnosis and ISO 50001: what changes with the amendments to Legislative Decree 102/2014

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Directive 2012/27/EU was amended by EU Directive 2018/2002. The Law of October 4, 2019, No. 117 amends Legislative Decree No. 102 of July 4, 2014. Article 1 Paragraph 1 is amended by establishing a framework of measures for the promotion and improvement of energy efficiency that contribute to the achievement of the national energy-saving target stated in Article 3 that contribute to the implementation of the European principle of putting energy efficiency first.


Mandatory energy diagnosis: exclusions and new features


Large companies with very low annual energy consumption are excluded from the energy diagnosis requirement; in addition, companies with EMAS and ISO 14001 certification schemes are no longer exempt , as they are not relevant for energy purposes.
Incentives are provided for SMEs to encourage energy management systems and the performance of energy diagnosis.


In order to promote the improvement of energy efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprises, by Dec. 31, 2021, and every two years thereafter, MiSE and GSE will issue public calls for proposals for the financing and implementation of Energy Management Systems in accordance with ISO 50001.


Between old and new sanctions


A fine of 4,000 to 40,000 euros-from 2,000 to 20,000 if the diagnosis is not carried out in a compliant manner-is levied by the MiSE in the event of a verified violation.
Notwithstanding this sanction, the violator must still make the diagnosis within 90 days from the date of dispute or notification of the assessment report.
Should this deadline also elapse, an additional penalty of 1,500 to 15,000 euros is imposed.


Energy-intensive enterprises are required to carry out diagnoses regardless of their size and report in a timely manner what efficiency interventions have been implemented, based on what the diagnostic intervention has identified, or alternatively adopt management systems in accordance with ISO 50001. Should they not opt for either solution, they would face a penalty of 1,000 to 10,000 euros.


Energy audit: why is it important?


The energy audit allows detailed calculations based on proposed measures, thus providing accurate information on potential savings.
It must be based on energy consumption data that are up-to-date, measured and traceable.
The entire energy profile should be examined, so whether it is building, plant, groups of buildings, industrial facilities, transportation.


A good energy audit must be sufficiently representative so that a comprehensive picture of energy performance can be obtained, identifying all opportunities for improvement.


Why adopt the ISO 50001 Energy Management System


The energy audit requirement does not apply to large enterprises that have adopted management systems in accordance with ISO 50001, provided it includes an energy audit carried out in accordance with Annex 2 of Legislative Decree
102/2014; the results must always be reported to Enea.


The ISO 5001 standard proposes corrective actions and strategies necessary to achieve or improve energy efficiency, promotes conscious use of energy used in business processes, eliminating waste.
It ensures the opportunity to reduce energy, management, and raw material costs, with constant monitoring of production site KPIs and compare it with industry benchmarks.
It also contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions, respecting the environment.


Other measures in the new decree: what are they?


In Decree Lgs.
102/2014 updated with Directive 2018/2022 there are energy obligations that aim to transpose the energy efficiency targets set by the European Union:


  • The achievement of energy savings through mandatory energy efficiency schemes;
  • The use of remotely readable meters and sub-metering from October 2020, in line with metering and billing of energy consumption;
  • Updating the Thermal Account to December 31, 2021 with the aim of making it more effective;
  • The implementation of a computer system for project management;
  • The redefinition and renewal until 2030 of the Energy Efficiency Plan;
  • The update of the assessment of the country’s feasible energy efficiency potential in heating and cooling;
  • The increase of funds to be allocated to the energy upgrading program of central PA buildings;
  • Expanding the scope of public administrations eligible to apply for funding for energy efficiency projects in their buildings under the Prepac – Central Public Administration Energy Upgrading Program, with the goal of making at least 3 percent of the useful floor area of the state’s building stock efficient each year .


Harness the potential of ISO 50001: save money, resources, energy and support the environment


Implementing the ISO 50001 Energy Management System offers you the great advantage of knowing in detail all the savings opportunities for your company and evaluating interventions to improve energy performance. Please note that ISO 50001 is voluntary, but by adopting it in your company/organization you will be exempt from the four-year energy audit requirement.


A team of energy management experts is at your disposal, so don’t hesitate to contact us to find out all the benefits and opportunities you can access.


Don’t risk sanctions, do it now!



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Registered office: Riviera di Chiaia 270
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Tax Code / VAT Number: 08240931215
N. R.E.A.: NA 943077
Shared Capital. € 50.000,00 i.v.

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