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Digital vouchers, 4.0 transition plan: government funds digital transition and environmental commitment


This content was updated on 12/10/2021   The economic recovery of Italian companies must be supported, and the state chooses to do so by emphasizing technological innovation, digitalization and environmental sustainability. Made in Italy can really make a difference in the international market, especially if supported by the many measures allocated by the state and dedicated entities. Let’s discover them together.   Transition 4.0 plan: incentives that encourage business innovation   With the May 26 signing, Minister Patuanelli approves the Transition 4.0 Plan decree to foster Made in Italy and support Italian businesses.   The Transition 4.0 Plan provides financial resources to be distributed in projects aimed at innovating local businesses by focusing on digitization, training and green investments. The implementation of the decree involves the approval of measures already provided for in the 2020 Budget Law, such as:   The tax credit for investment in capital goods, tangible and intangible: for companies that intend to initiate a digital transformation of existing production processes; The research and development, innovation and design tax credit: particularly attractive for those who want to increase their competitiveness with a view to the circular economy and environmental sustainability; The Training 4.0 tax credit: for those who want to enhance staff knowledge on Industry 4.0 and digital transformation.   Why encourage corporate digitization?   Covid-19 has turned the country’s economy upside down, but it has also brought out the deficits of our enterprises. Those who have been unable to work because they have smart working-enabled solutions must now run for cover and implement tools and software capable of monitoring, analyzing and working remotely.   In addition, those who really want to increase their competitiveness need to implement internet of things solutions; elements that automate the passage of information from machines to personnel and enable streamlined work activities and procedures.   SME digitization voucher: the intervention of the Chambers of Commerce   The coming months will be marked by a series of calls for proposals aimed at promoting the digitization of Italian small and medium-sized enterprises. For example, i4.0 digital vouchers are attracting the attention of many businesses.   What is it all about? Of digital vouchers made available to Italian businesses by PIDs – Digital Enterprise Points – to support the purchase of consulting services, training and 4.0 technologies. It is up to the territorial Chambers of Commerce to publish the notices and issue the vouchers; they detail the amounts available and the deadlines. The notices espouse the intent of the Industry/Transition 4.0 plan, so they can only be taken advantage of by businesses that choose to implement technology and digital solutions.   Who is eligible for digital vouchers? SMEs and MPMIs (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) residing in the state of Italy; either individually or in groups, because they are aggregated as participants in a joint project.   Call for i4.0 digital vouchers: some useful details   In order to make it easier for businesses to access the grants allocated through Digital 4.0 vouchers, we list below those that are active and soon to expire: CCIAA Trapani: deadline 15/10/2021 CCIAA Benevento: deadline 15/10/2021 CCIAA Avellino: deadline 15/10/2021 CCIAA Ravenna: deadline 25/10/2021 CCIAA Foggia: deadline 30/10/2021 CCIAA Crotone: deadline 10/11/2021 CCIAA Cuneo: deadline 15/11/2021 CCIAA Treviso-Belluno: deadline 30/11/2021   Italian entrepreneurs interested in digital vouchers should remain alert and periodically consult the notices issued by the relevant Chamber of Commerce.   Environmental sustainability: earmarked grants that reward business efforts   Businesses that want to boost their business in an environmentally friendly way can take advantage of grants put out to tender to: finance the implementation of an ISO 50001 Energy Management System, achieve environmental certifications-such as EPD and Carbon Footprint-or to support investments for energy management activities (e.g., energy diagnostics), including consulting activities.   In this regard, the following calls are active: Aosta Valley region: until a date to be determined Emilia-Romagna Region (Fono Energia): deadline 15/11/2021 Lombardy Region(SME energy efficiency call 2021): differentiated deadline by line of intervention Umbria Region (Notice “Energy”): deadline 30/11/2021 Marche Region(Energy efficiency and renewables call): until date to be determined Lombardy Region: deadline March 31, 2022 (exhaustion of resources for the provinces of: Bergamo, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Milan, Monza Brianza, Pavia and Varese). It is still possible to apply for the provinces of Brescia, Mantua and Sondrio;   It is good to remember that those who choose to increase the volume of their business by following sustainable paths will surely benefit from the approval of stakeholders and consumers.   Business innovation, digitalization, environmental sustainability? Let Tecno guide you   Do you want to empower your enterprise with innovative and digital solutions? Do you want to optimize your enterprise’s energy performance or achieve environmental certifications? Our team-composed of engineers and environmental technicians-is ready to put its secret weapons at your service: experience, expertise and professionalism.   Don’t waste your time! Take advantage of state grants to optimize your business with Tecno. Fill out the form below.

Energy diagnosis and ISO 50001: what changes with the amendments to Legislative Decree 102/2014


Directive 2012/27/EU was amended by EU Directive 2018/2002. The Law of October 4, 2019, No. 117 amends Legislative Decree No. 102 of July 4, 2014. Article 1 Paragraph 1 is amended by establishing a framework of measures for the promotion and improvement of energy efficiency that contribute to the achievement of the national energy-saving target stated in Article 3 that contribute to the implementation of the European principle of putting energy efficiency first.   Mandatory energy diagnosis: exclusions and new features   Large companies with very low annual energy consumption are excluded from the energy diagnosis requirement; in addition, companies with EMAS and ISO 14001 certification schemes are no longer exempt , as they are not relevant for energy purposes. Incentives are provided for SMEs to encourage energy management systems and the performance of energy diagnosis.   In order to promote the improvement of energy efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprises, by Dec. 31, 2021, and every two years thereafter, MiSE and GSE will issue public calls for proposals for the financing and implementation of Energy Management Systems in accordance with ISO 50001.   Between old and new sanctions   A fine of 4,000 to 40,000 euros-from 2,000 to 20,000 if the diagnosis is not carried out in a compliant manner-is levied by the MiSE in the event of a verified violation. Notwithstanding this sanction, the violator must still make the diagnosis within 90 days from the date of dispute or notification of the assessment report. Should this deadline also elapse, an additional penalty of 1,500 to 15,000 euros is imposed.   Energy-intensive enterprises are required to carry out diagnoses regardless of their size and report in a timely manner what efficiency interventions have been implemented, based on what the diagnostic intervention has identified, or alternatively adopt management systems in accordance with ISO 50001. Should they not opt for either solution, they would face a penalty of 1,000 to 10,000 euros.   Energy audit: why is it important?   The energy audit allows detailed calculations based on proposed measures, thus providing accurate information on potential savings. It must be based on energy consumption data that are up-to-date, measured and traceable. The entire energy profile should be examined, so whether it is building, plant, groups of buildings, industrial facilities, transportation.   A good energy audit must be sufficiently representative so that a comprehensive picture of energy performance can be obtained, identifying all opportunities for improvement.   Why adopt the ISO 50001 Energy Management System   The energy audit requirement does not apply to large enterprises that have adopted management systems in accordance with ISO 50001, provided it includes an energy audit carried out in accordance with Annex 2 of Legislative Decree 102/2014; the results must always be reported to Enea.   The ISO 5001 standard proposes corrective actions and strategies necessary to achieve or improve energy efficiency, promotes conscious use of energy used in business processes, eliminating waste. It ensures the opportunity to reduce energy, management, and raw material costs, with constant monitoring of production site KPIs and compare it with industry benchmarks. It also contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions, respecting the environment.   Other measures in the new decree: what are they?   In Decree Lgs. 102/2014 updated with Directive 2018/2022 there are energy obligations that aim to transpose the energy efficiency targets set by the European Union:   The achievement of energy savings through mandatory energy efficiency schemes; The use of remotely readable meters and sub-metering from October 2020, in line with metering and billing of energy consumption; Updating the Thermal Account to December 31, 2021 with the aim of making it more effective; The implementation of a computer system for project management; The redefinition and renewal until 2030 of the Energy Efficiency Plan; The update of the assessment of the country’s feasible energy efficiency potential in heating and cooling; The increase of funds to be allocated to the energy upgrading program of central PA buildings; Expanding the scope of public administrations eligible to apply for funding for energy efficiency projects in their buildings under the Prepac – Central Public Administration Energy Upgrading Program, with the goal of making at least 3 percent of the useful floor area of the state’s building stock efficient each year .   Harness the potential of ISO 50001: save money, resources, energy and support the environment   Implementing the ISO 50001 Energy Management System offers you the great advantage of knowing in detail all the savings opportunities for your company and evaluating interventions to improve energy performance. Please note that ISO 50001 is voluntary, but by adopting it in your company/organization you will be exempt from the four-year energy audit requirement.   A team of energy management experts is at your disposal, so don’t hesitate to contact us to find out all the benefits and opportunities you can access.   Don’t risk sanctions, do it now!

Energy monitoring system: the smart way to reduce consumption and optimize production


“The secret of change lies in focusing energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” The task of energy monitoring is more or less this: to transform energy into constructive actions. The solutions achieved and the technologies used through monitoring elevate the company’s business model by bringing several benefits:   optimizes energy use Reduces time associated with industrial productivity makes production environmentally sustainable improves working conditions Decreases operating and production costs   From industrial to environmental reality: monitoring is a necessity   In recent years, there has been a growing need to change the world of manufacturing by integrating digital technologies into production and management processes. A project of development, almost of rebirth, that starts from the growing awareness of operating in a sustainable way, reducing the use of energy from fossil fuels, taking advantage of renewables. The focus is particularly on energy conservation and industrial monitoring, designing solutions that facilitate consumption monitoring operations and increase energy efficiency.   Energy efficiency remains the cornerstone of the transition to a cleaner, safer and more sustainable energy future.   Evaluating savings, monitoring consumption and verifying results are indispensable tools for ensuring the implementation of policy measures, particularly with regard to long-term efficiency goals. How companies align with EU goals The European Strategy to 2030 has the following goals: At least 40 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; At least a 32 percent share of renewable energy; An improvement of at least 32.5 percent in energy efficiency. It follows from these goals that companies must optimize energy management. The Energy Management System is a powerful tool: it facilitates the path of enterprises toward efficient resource management and allocation, bringing greater competitiveness. ISO 50001 defines the requirements for an Energy Management System – SGE. Energy efficiency and industrial energy monitoring From 2011 to 2018, the energy efficiency measures implemented have brought significant energy savings, reaching about 67 percent of the targets set by the EEAP – National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency – and SEN – National Energy Strategy – for 2020. The measures taken have led to a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions. This – among other results – is what emerges from the 2019 Annual Energy Efficiency Report. What is monitoring software? Monitoring systems are the basis of all analysis, because making decisions about where to intervene for the purpose of efficiency and measuring the results of these projects, offers the ability to provide in the immediate future any management anomalies or failures that are causing consumption to increase relative to historical trends. Monitoring software makes it possible to detect and manage plant consumption, measuring the data and then processing it. The analysis of the data makes it possible to report any critical issues in real time and implement the best possible solutions, respecting production and business reality. Who can apply for the energy monitoring service? The energy monitoring service is aimed at: Energy-intensive enterprises Manufacturing enterprises Large Multisite Enterprises Service sector enterprises   Knowing a company’s energy data is useful not only to the company itself, to optimize its processes, but to the entire country. What do you receive by joining our monitoring service? We study the most appropriate monitoring strategy following technical survey, analyze the areas of highest consumption and the status of the systems; install the meters and configure the cloud platform. With our monitoring service you get multi-site management and comparison of internal and industry banchmarks, so your competitiveness can increase! We provide you with a periodic report containing data analysis of your consumption in real time; also, a technical-economic evaluation of the interventions needed to achieve energy performance. Each intervention is tailored to your company’s needs. Energy monitoring allows you to comply with the mandatory energy diagnosis required by Legislative Decree 102/2014; alternatively, it allows you to adopt an ISO 50001-compliant management system. Reduce your energy consumption with innovative software Why choose monitoring software for your business? Because preventing any stoppages or anomalies allows you to optimize production time and better manage both routine and extraordinary maintenance. Monitoring a plant allows you to understand what energy consumption and other parameters are significant for your business. With the monitoring system you have the performance of each plant or part of them under control. Not only do we implement corrective actions that would not be possible without measurement, but we plan and manage efficiency actions that can improve your company’s performance, increase its profits, and make it more competitive. Start saving money, energy, labor. Contact us now.

CSEA portal opened. Find out how to get energy benefits starting from 30,000.00 euros!


We help you get facilities starting from 30,000.00 euros! CSEA’s portal for submitting statements for the year 2020 is finally open! Hurry up, we’ll help you find out if you can be on the 2020 energy-efficient list. . All the requirements to be eligible for the 2020 energy-efficient relief With the Ministerial Decree Dec. 21, 2017 – Post Reform – the conditions for accessing the facilities are as follows: enterprises have a consumption of at least 1 Gwh/year of electricity; companies operate in the areas of Annex 3 of the European Commission’s Communication on State Aid for Environment and Energy 2014-2020; enterprises operate in the sectors in Annex 5 to the EC Guidelines and are characterized by a positive electricity intensity index determined in the reference period, in relation to GVA, of not less than 20 percent; are not included in Annex 3 and 5 but are included in the lists of energy-intensive enterprises drawn up, for the years 2013 or 2014. We will have, therefore, for the September 2019 opening of the CSEA portal, the 2016-2018 reference period. For energy-intensive enterprises in the years 2013 and 2014, the Ateco code does not apply, and the reference consumption conforms to Ministerial Decree Dec. 21, 2017 Post Reform, thus on the three-year period 2016-2018. What kind of facilitation will your business get? You will be able to get a discount on the system charges applied on your bill, thus paying a lower amount on the Asos component. What is ASOS? System charges are defined by Arera and revenues flow into the Electricity Sector Adjustment Fund. Asos is the expenditure component that covers charges related to the support of renewable energy and CIP 6/92 cogeneration, excluding incentives for the production of electricity derived from non-biodegradable waste. Val, Fat and Electric Intensity Index: here’s how much you can save! The Val and the Fat are the parameters that allow you to estimate how much the reduction in charges amounts to, so how much money you can recover from the subsidy provided for electricity-intensive businesses. Enterprises in Annex 3 and 5, which meet consumption requirements in the reference period with ival index of not less than 20 percent, are applied contribution levels compared to A3 tariff, according to the following scheme: Class VAL.1: to the extent of 2.5 percent for ival between 20 and 30 percent Class VAL.2: to the extent of 1.5 percent for ival between 30 and 40 percent Class VAL.3: to the extent of 1 percent for ival between 40 and 50 percent Class VAL.4: to the extent of 0.5% for ival of not less than 50% Enterprises that are included in Annex 3, or are included in the CSEA lists for the 2013 or 2014 years and have an ival index of less than 20 percent, are applied contribution levels compared to the A3 tariff, with reference to turnover: Class FAT.0: to the extent of 100 percent for ifat less than 2 percent Class FAT.1: to the extent of 55% for ifat between 2 and 10% Class FAT.2: to the extent of 40 percent for ifat between 10 and 15 percent Class FAT.3: to the extent of 25% for ifat greater than 15%. Newly established enterprises: how to get the 2020 energy benefit You can also get the benefit if your enterprise was established in 2019 or previous years and has no consumption due to production inactivity, which has the above requirements. A statement from the enterprise on data based on the best estimates of consumption and economic data will be taken as a reference.   It will also be necessary to submit a report containing:  method of estimating consumption based on expected production and the criteria used to define it, and, if available, historical withdrawal data for existing PODs; Methods of estimating budget data, especially turnover and GVA.  Rely on Tecno to submit application for access to 2020 energy benefits Don’t underestimate the weight that the cost of energy has on your business. Think about how much money you can save by relying on us and how you can invest it in other important activities to grow your business. You will receive specialized advice from our team. Contact us now!

How to integrate the potential of digitization into the energy efficiency sector


The expression Industry 4.0 is related to the fourth industrial revolution, mainly based on increasingly digitized and connected systems. Innovation, sustainability, interconnection, with the aim of revitalizing the Italian production system for the growth and benefit of the country.   Digital evolution represents progress, with the introduction of smart connected products, intelligent and interconnected products; it is crucial in the energy efficiency sector as, through the integration of information, digital, enhanced, innovative, constantly connected systems, energy consumption can be reduced and made more efficient.   The goals set by the MiSE in the National Industry 4.0 Plan are as follows: Mobilization of increased investment by 2020 for innovation and competitiveness digitization of production processes Enhancement of worker productivity and training of appropriate skills research and development   Big data and Cloud: the digitization of production processes   The digitization of energy affects several sectors: buildings, public lighting, mobility, infrastructure. Digital energy involves the use of information systems that are able to ensure maximum efficiency in the distribution phase and its monitoring. This leads to the collection of a large amount of data – Big Data – and the use of the Cloud.   The Cloud becomes necessary for the collection of all information necessary for the operation of the production process, enabling machinery and/or devices to be connected. Communication, exchange and update of information, both real time and remotely. On-line at any place in the world.   Digital Energy: energy goes digital and smart   With the spread of renewable energy and storage comes the spread of the Smart Grid model and the use of devices, such as Smart Meters, thanks to which users become more aware of their consumption, using energy more efficiently, bringing improvements to the management of the entire grid. Italy was one of the first countries to introduce Smart Meters, holding to date, the record for the number of devices installed. Thanks to digitalization and the continuous evolution of technology, the opportunities and innovative solutions for products and services of companies are increasing. IOT – Internet of Things – is particularly beneficial in the energy sector, especially for energy efficiency.   Why is IOT important?   Places and objects – smart objects – gain intelligence and an active role by connecting with the network and accumulating information in a smart way. Identification, connection, localization, ability to process data and interact with the external environment: just think of RFID technology and QR codes, capable of networked communication with cell phones or other devices.   Smart objects enable energy savings both on a personal level-through home automation and smart home-and on a broader level, thus smart grid and smart city.   Innovation to business: growing investments   The most widely adopted energy efficiency solutions in the industrial sector were efficient combustion systems and cogeneration. Despite high investments in 2018 – 459 and 443 million euros, respectively – there was still a decrease compared to 2017. This was due to the Energivore Decree of January 1, 2018, which allows for energy efficiency relief through a reduction in system charges regarding renewable sources and, indeed, cogeneration. Major investments were made in the Home & Building sector; followed by the industrial sector and Public Administration.   Organizational resilience in the digital age   Resilience, in the digital age, is defined as an organization’s ability to absorb shocks and adapt to a changing environment while continuing to pursue its goals. ISO 22316 – Security and resilience – Organizational resilience – Principles and attributes – provides a framework that can help organizations secure the future of their business by preparing them for future challenges.   The International Energy Agency’s Digitalization & Energy Report-IEA-identified 10 actions to pursue to make sure that we really understand what digitization means for energy and how to best integrate it into production processes:   Build new digital skills and train staff; Ensure adequate easy access to data so as to produce distributed energy statistics on the infrastructure; Introduce flexibility in policy and regulatory actions to adapt to new technologies and developments; Experiment with pilot projects; Actively participate in discussions about digitization; focus on issues such as safety, sustainability and convenience; Monitor the energy impacts of digitization on energy demand; Integrate digital resilience into research, development and production; Create a more level playing field to ensure better services; study best practices in each country to understand the impact of digitization on energy systems, in each of them.   Make your business competitive with energy diagnosis   Using new technologies with awareness, integrating digital processes, optimizing means and resources: seize the opportunities to make your company’s core business highly competitive. Legislative Decree 102/14 establishes the obligation of energy diagnosis every 5 years for Large Enterprises and energy-intensive businesses. Here, then, is another opportunity for your business with a view to energy efficiency: the evaluation of consumption in order to find solutions to optimize resources and energy savings, cutting down waste.   If you would like to learn more, please fill out the form.

Energy-efficient relief 2020: let’s play fast and loose


Concluding the extraordinary reopening of the CSEA portal on April 16 to submit the application for the energy-intensive business facility, we are ready to guide businesses on applications for the 2020 Energy-Energy Business Facility. The upcoming portal opening called by Arera includes the evaluation of electricity consumption for the three-year period 2016 – 2018. Let’s find out together if your business qualifies for the subsidy. The main requirements are as follows: For post-reform facilities, companies must have an annual electricity consumption, of at least 1 Gwh – compared to the 2.4 Gwh required for pre-reform; have an Ateco code included in Annex 3 to the CEE guidelines; have an Ateco code included in Annex 5 to the CEE guidelines; and have an electricity intensity ratio of not less than 20 percent, – ratio of Val to cost incurred for energy Energy-efficient relief: the benefit for businesses Energy-intensive businesses that qualify for the Electricity-intensive Business Relief – DM of Dec. 21, 2017 – have the advantage of being able to receive a reduction on system charges, which greatly affect the final cost in the bill. It is important that companies do not miss the opportunity to apply for the energy-efficient relief, as, given the high consumption they face, they need to reduce their consumption for electricity production, so as to prevent it from affecting the company’s balance sheet. Electricity rebate, what does it cover? The facility applies to general system charges. These amounts are on the bill for activities related to the electricity system and are charged to all customers, without distinction. Specifically, these are incentives for renewable sources, nuclear safety commissioning, system research investments, electricity bonus coverage, energy efficiency operations, and facilities for energy-intensive businesses. As of January 1, 2018, subsidies to energy-intensive enterprises are recognized directly in the invoice, with the application of differentiated rates of the Asos component – coverage of general charges for renewable energy and cogeneration – which will no longer, therefore, be proportional to consumption, but with reference to fixed quota, quota linked to the power drawn and quota linked to the energy withdrawn. Therefore, we must immediately take advantage of the upcoming opening of the CSEA portal for the collection of electricity consumption declarations. Are you ready? Rely on Tecno for your facilitation application! Find out as soon as possible if your business can qualify for the list of new energy users so you can get the electricity rebates you are entitled to. Your opportunity for savings is getting closer! Our experienced and qualified team will handle all the documentation in order to submit the facilitation application to the CSEA portal. Let’s compare.

Energy sector digitization: the value of innovation


Innovation, digitization, technology, new professional figures-these are the elements destined to bring about a radical change in the energy sector, which has already undergone a gradual revolution in recent years. The change was inevitable: connection and reliability have become the main competitive levers in a system as complex as the energy sector, as highlighted by the IEA’s study on the impact of Digital Energy on the sector.   The first report compiled by IEA (International Energy Agency) defines the digitization of the energy sector by talking about a new trend that only “predisposed,” ready business models can resist. Let’s look together at the highlights of the research.   Digital investments as a starting point   According to the report, energy companies investing in digital have increased: as much as 20 percent more each year since 2014.   Technology as simplification   Digitizing also means facilitating and streamlining processes. In fact, the IEA’s analysis addresses the ease with which not only can energy information be accessed today, but highlights how much more accurate that information is today.   Innovation as an opportunity   One of the markets most affected by the benefits of digitization is the electricity market; the acquisition of technological tools, in fact, has enabled the optimization of existing resources and the implementation of others, access to some facilities even for citizens (such as those on photovoltaics for domestic use) and the shortening of physical-bureaucratic distances.   International Energy Agency research has highlighted the benefits that digitization has brought to the transportation sector as well: less maintenance costs, more competitiveness, and more energy efficiency.   In conclusion, it must be considered that in order for the digitization of the energy sector to be fruitful from an economic point of view as well , and thus no longer just technical-practical, some improving actions must be put into practice:   prepare their team, enriching it with digital professionals; doing testing, experimenting, so as to increasingly refine the products to be offered; nurture a daily, synergistic work between research and development.   Keep following our blog for access to insights, news and useful tips to improve your company’s performance and profit.

Facilitating new energy enterprises: from Jan. 1, less energy costs


Energy benefits: from January, less electricity costs. The decree made official by Mise on December 21, 2017 reduces electricity spending for more than 3,000 companies deemed more exposed to foreign competition. Minister Calenda has thus also brought Italy into line with the new measures ordered by the European Community. The CSEA (Cassa per i servizi energetici e ambientali – Energy and Environmental Services Fund) will update the list of “Energivorous” PODs broken down by facility class so, starting in July 2018, distributors will begin billing according to the new tariff scheme provided for in Del. 923/17. The big news of the Decree concerns the possibility of access to the facility for thousands of new businesses, thanks to the reduction of the minimum threshold of energy consumption set at 1,000,000 kWh/year. Who is eligible for benefits for new energy enterprises Enterprises that have an energy cost of at least 20 percent of the same GVA (gross value added), which will therefore be able to reduce their contribution to renewables to a minimum value of 0.5 percent of GVA; All other enterprises where the maintenance of facility classes is based on the ratio of electricity cost to turnover, with percentages revised to reflect growth support objectives. Other energy-intensive enterprises will maintain their facility classes, based instead, on the energy intensity of production. What is the Val GVA (Gross Value Added) is one of the parameters to be calculated to fall under the Mise facility for new energy-intensive enterprises and estimate the reimbursement, in accordance with current European environmental and energy regulations (European Commission Communication 2014/C 200/01). Collecting this value allows CSEA and AEEGSI to quantify possible reductions in charges for companies eligible for the facility. Our corporate energy efficiency consulting Our energy efficiency consulting services allow you to outsource the management of your company’s energy improvement procedures to EGE professionals. Fill out the form to receive more information.

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Registered office: Riviera di Chiaia 270
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Tax Code / VAT Number: 08240931215
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